2025-01-17 11:24 Dr. G/MS |
Weight: 98 grams, Leftovers: 0 Weight change: +7 g (8 %) Food: 19 g m + 2 MWs (+ vit + Ca) Meloxicam: 0.03 ml (1.5 mg/ml susp) PO Vet check: R wrist D/C Meloxicam if appetite decreases
BAR and trying to fly around carrier. R carpus palpably swollen but good ROM and not particularly painful. Radiographs are indistinct over carpus due to small size and soft tissue swelling. I cleaned the carpus carefully and was able to remove the small scab. There is a superficial abrasion just distal to the peak of the carpal joint. Cleaned and applied Silver-gel - continue EOD. Added meloxicam because he is eating and gained - however, put note to d/c if appetite decreases. Moved to condo. If repeating radiographs, do a skyline of the R wing as well. Dr Gardner
----------- ORDER CHANGE ------------- increase food by 5 g
2025-01-16 17:20 ME |
Leftovers: 0 Food: 10g m plus 3 giant mealworms in deep cup Bird sitting in back of kennel; was perched earlier today NOLO!
2025-01-16 11:33 me |
Weight: 91 grams, Keel score: 3.0, Leftovers: 26 Food: 15g m Force feed: 5 g ck, c/u small SQ fluids: 7 Check eyes: OU 26 g LO Anesthetized with ISO via mask for intake Radiographs, using dirty box: soft tissue swelling at R wrist Fecal Follow up exam - NSF other than R wrist swelling and small scab, no crepitation, full ROM; some feather damage on tail
Feather check |
Right | | Left | 0 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | Tail | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 0 | | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | | | | Ok | | Fault bar | | Dystrophic | | Old | | Curled | | Broken, not impable | | Extra | | Tipped | | Missing | | IB, mature | | Soiled | | Mutilated | | IB | | Bent | | Unknown | | Imped | | Broken, impable | | | | Frayed | | Singed | | | | | | Stripped | | |
| Eye exam |
Exam date - | 2025-01-16 | Examiner - | me |
| RIGHT | LEFT | PLR | Menace | PLR | Menace | + | + | + | + | Stain | | Stain | | DNE | | DNE |   | Right eye: WNL | Left eye: WNL |
2025-01-15 18:34 cd |
Food: 1 m
BARP, dove into back wall and kept jumping/crashing against wall as I put food in and closed door.
2025-01-15 18:09 cd |
Weight: 93 grams, Keel score: 2.5 Found 1/9 sitting on road with wing out. Finder contained and kept in large kennel space, reported he would fly around. Fed crickets, mealworms, & waxworms. Finder saw a larger AMKE at the same spot, suspects mate.
------------- PHYSICAL EXAM FINDINGS ---------------- Head Behavior and Neuro: BAR Mouth: clean Ears: clean Body Vent: clean Body condition score: 2.5 Wings Left wing: wnl full ext, in use Right wing: wnl full ext, in use Right wrist: small possible scab, didn't pick Legs Left leg: wnl full ext, in use Right leg: wnl full ext, in use Ectoparasites: none seen
Bird presents BAR and feisty, vocal. Finder reported suspected wing injury. No crepitation felt, small scab on right wrist, did not pick. Uses both wings, no droop seen but KEO. No other findings. Set up in KR2 - ran/flew to back of kennel and hunched down. Treatment --------- 8cc LRS SQ R leg
Plan --------- Monitor for wing droop. Check OU and get rads tomorrow as time allows.
Eye exam |
Exam date - | 2025-01-15 | Examiner - | cd |
| RIGHT | LEFT | PLR | Menace | PLR | Menace | ++ | ++ | ++ | ++ | Stain | | Stain | | DNE | | DNE |   | Right eye: did not do full exam, but menace/PLR
++ | Left eye: did not do full exam, but menace/PLR
++ |